About Hello Kitty ハローキティ

Name: Kitty White ハローキティ
Birthday: Nov 1, 1974
Birthplace: London, England
Weight: 3 Apples
Height: 5 Apples
Fav Colour: Red
Blood Type: A
Fav Food: Apple Pie
Fav HobbiesSmall, cute things like herself. For example, Hello Kitty likes collecting little stars, little goldfishes, lollies and as many ribbons as possible as decorations. She also likes to go to nearby park or forest with friends. In her spare time, she like to visit the candy store too. Kitty loves candies.
Fav Toothpaste: Hello Kitty loves to brush her teeth with strawberry toothpaste, she just cannot resist the sweet strawberry smell.